Fk Lightplanes, Fk14 Lemans, Fk9, Fk P51 Mustang replica light sport aircraft, Sport Aviation Magazine.



FK Lightplanes light sport aircraft.





Roland Hallam of FK Lightplanes was at Aero with the full line of FK aircraft. FK Lightplanes produces the FK12 Comet, the FK 14 Lemans, the FK14 Polaris, The FK9 and the new FK P51 Mustang. FK Lightplanes had on display their first FK12 Comet equipped with the Rotax 912iS engine. Roland reports that the fuel economy is excellent, and aircraft are now being shipped with the engine.

Roland also reported that FK has decided to do a factory installation of the Lycoming engine. This has been in the works since late last year. To date FK Lightplanes has developed some 23 different engine installations for their over 800 aircraft flying worldwide, so mounting the Lycoming into the FK12 is not expected to be a problem.

An FK12 Comet has already been built for the Hansen Air group in the U.S. and FK Lightplanes is just waiting on delivery of the engine from the Lycoming factory to complete the installation. The best estimate for a plane and engine being shown in the U.S. is possibly Airventure, if not shortly after.

Beside the FK12 Comet was the FK14 Lemans. The Lemans is an FK14 Polaris but with a few options added. It has an optional canopy which Roland describes as "driving in a convertible with the top down and the windows up". The Lemans option also has a taller landing gear with larger wheel pants, different rudder, leather interior, paint scheme different wing tips and an open cockpit. It takes only 10 minutes to convert from the Polaris model over to the Lemans! Pilots that have flown in the FK 14 Lemans report that it is very quite, with very little wind noise, and no buffeting at all around your head.

The only problem with the Fk14 Lemans and Polaris is that they are TOO FAST for the U.S. market! And they can't fly slow enough. FK Lightplanes has designed a new longer wing equipped with flaps and vortex generators for the U.S. LSA category and expects to have everything ready for certification within the next 18 months.

The last aircraft that FK Lightplanes had on display was the venerable FK 9. This old stalwart has undergone a number of changes over the last number of years but still leads the way in safe, fun affordable flying. The FK 9 is also available with hand controls for teaching disabled individuals how to fly.

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Fk Lightplanes, Fk14 Lemans, Fk9, Fk P51 Mustang replica light sport aircraft, Sport Aviation Magazine.
Fk 14 LeMans by Fk Lightplanes

Fk 14 LeMans by Fk Lightplanes

FK Lightplanes

FK Lightplanes


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